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Skin Care and Make-up

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Facial Masks and Make-up

Facial Masks!

The Beauty Buffet Masks Available. Picture source: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/ginwong/Beauty_Buffet_Group.jpg

 The First Type I purchased. It helps to fight wrinkles. Picture source: http://asilahkassim.blogspot.sg

The Charcoal and Cypress Facial Mask which smells and feels really good. Picture Source: http://media3.onsugar.com
Facial Masks!
As you can see, we are starting off with facial masks! These facial masks are from Beauty Buffet (why do I have the tendency to call them Love Buffet gosh), and they are affordable if you want to use it on every alternate day like me! Also, the masks are very very thin, and they plaster nicely onto the skin like a second skin. :) I really liked it because when it is thin, I can just wear my spectacles after leaving it on and went to watch TV! :) Oh yes, they were quite drippy and soaked with the 25ml of essence which my skin took to quite well!

Of course, Faceshop's facial masks are decent to but they are pricier. These BB ones cost $7.90 per pack of five pieces usually, but I bought them on a discount where two packs were sold for $10.90! Save $4! :D

These are the ones I bought last time from Faceshop. I bought the cucumber or Alovera one.

Personally, I think the Beauty Buffet ones are better, both in terms of price and the hydrating level. The Faceshop ones are sold at 4 for $10. They feel relatively okay and leave the skin moist BUT ISN'T THAT WHAT ALL FACEMASKS HAVE TO DO?? teeheee. Hmm, I guess you can try it if you want...it won't hurt.

My rating for the BB one and the Faceshop one are as follows:
Beauty Buffet:
Hydrating Level: 8/10
Refreshing Level: 8/10
Achieve its purpose: 6/10
Value for money: 9/10

Hydrating Level: 7/10
Refreshing Level: 6/10
Achieve its purpose: 7/10
Value for money: 7/10
To be fair to Faceshop masks, I did use one of the ones of that food ones stated above when I had a pimple that was about to erupt, but it helped to sooth and the next day the pimple was much better. :)


Maybelline BB Mousse

Maybelline's BB mousse is a good choice for BB cream I think. It is light and fluffy, and it feels natural and good on the skin unlike one of the BB cream I used in my aunt's house. You know, normal BB cream have this thicker consistency? Yup, I think this one feels better. 

Maybelline Concealer Image Credit: http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?num=10&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENSG339&biw=1600&bih=796&tbm=isch&tbnid=g9VENmpLfsDSaM:&imgrefurl=http://mascara-page-preorders.blogspot.com/2008/10/mineral-power-natural-perfecting.html
Concealer was not bad. It did conceal, but it also kind of clog my pimple, which is not very nice. I guess we are not really suppose to use it on pimples?

The one I bought was the brown one. Image credit: http://www.musingsofamuse.com/2011/06/maybelline-eye-studio-color-explosion-eye-shadow-palettes.html

I have no idea how people can look so good in blue. I think she is pretty naturally. Image credit: http://makeupbydonnamarie.blogspot.sg
I didn't know how to do makeup since I bought all this for a school event...and brown felt the safest, since I saw how disastrous my senior looked when she used the blue on her eyes and it didn't go that well. It looked creepy. D: But now I have gotten a single blue shadow since I am better at make-up-ing! :D

Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Black Liner Img source: maybelline
I bought the black one. The brush they gave was good quality, but if you want a clean finish, I think you have to get those angled brushes or your eyeliner will get all thick and smudgy and yucky.

And I have never achieved such a clean eyeliner before. Mine is always yucky. Should get a brush huh? Img source: http://uae.makeupandbeauty.com

Maybelline Mascara Img Src: Maybelline

This is good. But when you do too many swipes, it will clog. Use it in a zig-zag motion to prevent clogging of lashes. Okay, I mean clumping. Whatever.

Okay I had a lipstick from Maybelline too, but I am too lazy to find a picture of it. They have too many lipsticks. D:

By the way, I am not paid to do this. Like I said, I am just reviewing products and stuff. :)

For makeup remover, I had the maybelline one as well as some cheap remover from Daiso. But the Daiso ones are good enough already, considering it is so cheap. :D

The one for the face. Img source: http://littlefrozengirl.onsugar.com/tag/daiso

The eyemaker remover from daiso. Img source: http://simplicitycumuniqueness.blogspot.sg

They both are quite good. The eye one works better after I cleared off most with Maybelline remover, but this one helps to get all the glitter from my glitter liner off my face. :) Which is good! 

I had the silver one. Img Source: http://www.polyvore.com
I like the silver liner a lot! Because you know, the trend nowadays is the korean makeup look which has shimmery eyes especially on the inner corners and bottom. This one does the job well. Also works if you want a fast way of getting Taeyeon's eye makeup look in Run Devil Run.

Park Bom's Eyes have shimmery white. To emphasize, you can use glitter.

See her eye makeup. Img Source: http://www.iamminky3.com

Okay, I guess that's all for now. My finger hurts from typing and I have to go study Bio. So bye folks! :D

1 comment :

  1. Yam ah mee. Pursuant to section49 subsection7e paragraph AJune 20, 2012 at 1:07 PM

    I guess girls really do put on make up


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